Hi friend! I'm Maude
I'm a retro enthusiast with a passion to create, fuelling you to use your individual style with a retro flare to make truly unique projects you can feel good about.

Celebrating Originality
I've always been someone who wanted to create.
This could be anything! A cake, a painting, a flower arrangement; but I always
wanted to be making something not only beautiful, but unique.
My Grandma would take me to the craft shop sometimes, and to date if you point
me in any direction of a Michael's, I'll tell you I've already done that craft.
The trouble always was I didn't want to make anything like someone else had done,
I wanted to make something that felt like me.
When I was a wee mini Maude, I grew up around Mid Century Modern
hand me downs with a hippie Dad. He was the coolest (he insists he still is), with his wild stories about being a roadie, a hippie and all around trouble maker.
Combine my retro influence with a strong desire to be different, and there you
go: Me in a nutshell. (Not any nutshell, but one decorated with flowers and in my colors I'm sure)
How I view Retro style in my eyes is something that can be interpreted literally or as inspiration. If you’re here, I know you love Retro like I do, and I’m here to show you how modern it really is. I love helping people learn to incorporate retro elements into modern wardrobes, decor and more.

ANYONE can create
When we create, keeping a sustainable mindset will certainly be considered. Let’s help the planet and our wallets, ya? I bet treasure hunting and sourcing materials is loads of fun for you too!
With everything we make, whether it’s a quilt, a jello mold or macrame, the attitude towards it all is about the fun and done: Have fun and get it done! Progress over perfection around here!
I also have a love for cheering folks on their creative adventures, especially when trying something new. Effort in my eyes should always be something to celebrate!
So let’s cheers, and celebrate ourselves and our creativity, buddy!
Lastly, all are welcome in this neighborhood, and I mean ALL. I believe in inclusivity and really do think anybody can create beautiful, unique and cool shit.